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SVG Collaboration

We welcome you to join us to work together if you are a professional graphic designer with capabilities listed below, and you are keen to expand and open for collaboration.


Familiar with Adobe’s Creative Cloud software specifically in Illustrator / Indesign / Photoshop.


Able to come up with new ideas and innovative designs.



Being able to explain the design element to client and communicate with them well during and after the design process.


Equipped professional design trained knowledgebase on visual style, colour, font, image, layout and have skills to process completed design to production.

Collaborate • Support • Benefits

These are the areas that we can support your business and we looking forward to working together for greater opportunities.

Working Space Support

Working Space Support

We have full equipped office space for working, meeting, conference and presentation purpose.

Professional Supports

Professional Supports

With over 15 years experience in design industry, we are able to give you the guidance and technical support when you develop artwork or layouts.

Sales Collaboration

Sales Collaboration

Increase sales for both parties by referring and cooperation on project base.

Production Supports

Production Supports

We are offering the partnership special rate for our printing / fabrication materials and visual displaying products.

Tag-Team Collaboration

Tag-Team Collaboration

Work as a team to get bigger project to benefits both parties.

Logistic Support

Logistic Support

We have our delivery team to support delivery and shipment needs.

Let's Connect

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